Cascadia Foot & Ankle Specialists Telemedicine Terms of Service
Introduction: Telemedicine involves the use of telecommunication technologies to allow you and your doctor to communicate remotely. Many applications exist which provide real-time audio and/or video communication remotely, in other words, without the patient needing to physically arrive in the clinic and come into contact with staff personnel.
Purpose: The purpose of this telemedicine service is to enable patients to receive medical care remotely by a provider.
Privacy and Security: I understand that for this encounter, electronic systems used will incorporate network and software security protocols as approved by Federal and State regulations, to protect the confidentiality of patient identification and imaging data and will include measures to safeguard the data and to ensure its integrity against intentional or unintentional corruption. I understand and acknowledge that security protocols could fail, causing a breach of privacy of personal medical information.
Nature of Telemedicine Consultation: I understand and consent that the technology will be used for the purposes outlined below:
Discuss and monitor examination/procedure/treatment.
Diagnosis, follow-up, and educational purposes.
Photo recordings may be taken during the encounter.
Non-medical technical personnel may be present in the telemedicine area to aid in video transmission.
Medical Records: I understand that the laws that protect privacy and the confidentiality of medical information also apply to telemedicine, and that no information obtained in the use of telemedicine, which identifies me, will be disclosed to researchers or other entities without my consent.
Risks and Consequences: The telemedicine consultation will be similar to a routine medical office visit, except interactive audio video technology will allow you to communicate with a Doctor remotely. At first, you may find it difficult or uncomfortable to communicate using video images. The use of audio and video technology to deliver healthcare and educational services is a new technology and may not be equivalent to direct patient-to-Doctor contact. Following the telemedicine consultation, your Doctor may recommend that you need to be seen in person for further evaluation.
I hereby consent to participation in a telemedicine consultation.